donderdag 30 juni 2011

A great day

Some days are just better than others. Today we started with a beautiful walk in het Mastbos

What a treat; a gostly figure in the tree!
The day ended with a trip down town to do some birthday shopping. And then ...there it was a Dille and Kamille store. Finally we have one!!! (a really nice store, they have everything for the kitchen, bathroom and lots more lovely stuff).
I could't resist this nice one. Made from bamboo! And the two lovely pencils, I love their colors :)

And of course I couldn't resist the temptation to pay a visit to the artsupply store. Did't buy that much do..;) I'm quite exited to try the texture medium.

Love Susan

woensdag 29 juni 2011

Barbecue (BBQ)

Fruit salad

Tomato salad with mozzerella and banana
If life gives you beautifull weather, organize a bbq and invite some friends or family.
So we did and I made fruit salad, tomato salad and chickensate that I marinated myself. 
Yummie and a big succes :)

zondag 26 juni 2011

vrijdag 24 juni 2011

Illustration Friday; Launch

Watercolor and Acrylic Ink
I painted my cat House (he is a ragdoll) going after a blackbird. He really gets agitated when he spots blackbirds in the garden. I wonder: does he think they're especialy tasty (not that he is able to catch one, happy me :) ) or does he find them irritating?

woensdag 22 juni 2011

Bit early

Watercolor and drawing ink
It is a bit ealy for fall images, but this just popped up and I had to paint it.

dinsdag 21 juni 2011

donderdag 16 juni 2011

Just found a book, what a nice suprise!

I just found this book; De heilige Antonio (the saint Antonio) by Arnon Grunberg.
I'm a bit curious but I have to wait till the weekend before reading it. (Won't take that long to read, it has only 96 pages)

vrijdag 10 juni 2011

1ste blog bericht

Tja waar begin je het eerste Blog-bericht mee?
Ik ben deze blog om verschillende redenen begonnen, hier kan ik foto's, afbeeldingen, art en links op kwijt die ik mooi vind of waar ik blij van wordt. De door Illustration Friday geïnspireerde  "kunstwerken" krijgen hier hun plaats. En verder alle leuke dingen die me bezig houden. 
 "Art-up your life & Feel Good".

 Foto van mijn prachtige rozenstruik in de tuin. Hoewel rozenstruik. Dit is slechts 1 tak met heeeeel veel bloemen. En dat terwijl ik de struik vreselijk verwaarloosd heb het afgelopen jaar (niet op de juiste wijze gesnoeid en geen meststoffen gegeven).
Photo taken in my garden, this is just one branch from the rose-bush. Amazing how many flowers it has.