Oke, giga te laat en nog niet helemaal af maar dat gaat nog wel lukken deze week.
A piece of wallpaper, I once bought a whole rol for a smal price. Finished wit some masking tape. Stuk behangpapier, ooit een hele rol gekocht voor een klein prijsje. Afgewerkt met masking tape. |
2 opmerkingen:
Looks like fun! :-)
This is the first time I have been able to visit your blog. I was finally able to track you down, but when you leave a link through the linky, I get a message that I am not allowed to view your blog because it is private. Or I get a message that I don't have the authority to view your blog. Not sure why, but it might be the way you are copying the link.
Regardless, I am here now, and I am starting on the chapter with the niche. I could have started with a belated birthday, and how much I love those cupcakes!!
You were quite ambitious with your niches. Three!! Very impressive. I can sure understand having to change blades so often, too.
The front pages are fantastic. The wonderful way you used the wallpaper was perfect. Now I'm off to see the rest of the assignments.
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